Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Do Work God

I love snow days. They make me want to curl up on the couch with a blanket and a good book beside a fire.... UGH GAG!!! More like they make me want to go and sling snowballs upon snowballs at poor, innocent kids :). i know its sick but hey who cares. Too bad that the superintendent didn't cancel school today! Half of the way to school i was scared for my life because of my piece of crap tires. My boxers have better tread than those things. So after almost getting in a wreck... by myself i might add... i finally made it to school just in time to take a big English test.... BOO on that. But today wasn't as bad as i make it sound to be. Today, even though i almost froze, i saw God's beauty. Snow is one of my absolute favorite things in the world, and to see it falling down from the sky was pretty cool. God is absolutley wonderful and shows it too us everyday, even if its little stuff like having patience on the way to school going 10 mph or the beauty of snow fallig down. Tonight at church made things bettter. Kyle and Paige did an amazing job of showing and telling CRASH what happened and what they did through God in Peru. It really hit me when Kyle was talking about them not knowing alot about the Bible, but they had faith and believed in God no matter what. God is their joy and their peace. Why can't we do the same thing. We shouldn't have to go miles away to a foreign land to see God work. God is at work here in Florence, South Carolina and all we have to do is SHUT UP AND LISTEN!! We have to stop playing Xbox, stop watching the TV, and stop being distracted by things of the Earth and of the flesh. Now don't get me wrong, i am caught up in all of that and i have a hard time shutting up and listening, but if we just catch a tiny shimmer of God, we will be FOREVER changed. So how about let's forget about the xbox and the tv and whatever else it is that's distracting us and let's try to do things God's way. Let's be like the people of Peru that Kyle and Paige met and preached to... let's let God be our joy and our peace... Let's let God be our only method of surviving in this jungle we call home... Let's let God reveal Himself to us like never before... and let's stop whining and complaining when things don't go our way. God's way is so much better than we could ever think our way is. So let's take the words of Kyle and Paige and use them to let God do work on our hearts.

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