Tuesday, March 3, 2009


So here lately, these past few days have really made me think. Some people just aren't who you perceive them to be. I'm not saying this in a good way either. Over the past few weeks, months, and almost a year, i've noticed people in a completely different light. I'm not going to say any names but a few of my friends have become cocky, arrogant, and have just made me want to stop hanging out with them all together. I know you're probably like "Hunter it can't be that bad".... IT IS. It has gotten to the point where i just don't want to be around them. Don't get me wrong i still love them.... BUT DON'T contradict everything i say and be a cocky jerk about it and then try to be all "buddy buddy" with me after you do.... just don't. It makes me feel like i'm being used and it makes you look even worse. And then when someone tries to point out a flaw that they see in you to MAKE YOU BETTER so it won't affect your witness to other people, DON'T try to rationalize it and twist it like you know what your saying.... just because you may not like a little big of constructive criticism... BIG DEAL get over yourself. Oh, on a side note, you may not think it's a big deal the way you're acting, but it AFFECTS younger people that you come in contact with.... just throwing that out there. So the next time you try to be arrogant, cocky, or just an all-around jerk to me and/or contradict what i say... take a step back and check yourself... because what we do now, echos throughout eternity.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. Good stuff...but make sure you keep a sharp eye on keeping your walk straight. I'm proud of you, but don't let this person be a DISTRACTION for you. One step at a time, walk. More importantly, follow--follow the footsteps laid out for you...and others will follow those footsteps.
