Tuesday, March 17, 2009

C.R.A.S.H.... more than just a word

C: stands for Choices. In life, we are filled with choices to be made and consequences of those choices to live with. CRASH Ministries exists to encourage students to base their choices in life, both big and small, on the promise of God’s Word and Christ’s Love

R: stands for Relationships. At Ebenezer Baptist Church, students develop meaningful relationships used to encourage one another in their Christian walk. Along the same lines, CRASH Ministries encourages growth in students’ relationships with Christ and how that relationship can affect the other relationships in the students’ lives

A:stands for Adventure. Being a part of CRASH Ministries is certainly an adventure! But not only is being a part of this ministry an adventure, living the life God has called you to is most adventurous! The Christian life is not boring, mundane, or impossible; but rather it is a daily journey filled with adventure & suspense, battles & victory, love & freedom, and so much more!!

S: stands for Salvation. The foundation of a relationship with Christ is salvation through Him. CRASH Ministries is all about having a saving relationship with Christ, which is the only way to Heaven. Our salvation is freely given and full of grace. Without salvation, we would not have CRASH, joy, love, or the next letter…

H:stands for Hope. Through Christ, we have a hope that supercedes all other. CRASH Ministries depends heavily on hope. Students know that with Christ, no matter how bleak the present is, an even greater hope exists that gives us a reason to celebrate the love of Christ in our present condition! With hope, we have a future, we have a love, we have a joy, we have an eternity!

So this has been sitting heavy on my heart for the past few weeks and here it goes. CRASH is more than just a word... and so often, people (including myself) will walk around school/work/public with the word CRASH painted on our shirts, hoodies, etc. But so often, we play the "church game" of saying "Yea, CRASH stands for choices, relationship, adventure, salvation, and hope.... yea this is what it means to me.... yea i follow these rule of how i'm supposed to live..." and don't get me wrong, i do the exact same thing, but here lately, our "CRASH" has been dissolved into nothing more that a STOP. What i mean is that here lately- i'm not including everyone in the youth group on this, don't get me wrong- but me, along with a few "said" people, have not been living up to these standards in which we are called to follow..... GUYS HOW THE HECK ARE WE SUPPOSED TO WITNESS TO OTHER PEOPLE WHEN OUR OWN PRIDE AND ARROGANCE GETS IN THE WAY?!?!?!? In 2nd Timothy, Chapter 4, Paul deliberatley tells us, "I give you this charge: Preach the Word; BE PREPARED in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, and encourage- with great patience and careful instruction." So if you agree with me that the Bible is God-breathed, which means every word comes from God, the God is not "asking", but he is TELLING US to BE PREPARED, not only when the time is conveinient, but when we are in the MOST AWKWARD SITUATIONS! it goes on to say that a time will come when men will hear what they want to hear, and then it says..."But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry." (2nd Timothy:2, 5) So what i'm saying is, it's time to stop speaking about the way you live and how your life reflects the "CRASH", and it's time to actually start LIVING the "CRASH." Because the "Choices" we make affect our "Relationships" with other people, which in turn affects the "Adventure" that God Himself has planned for you, which in turn, affects OUR "Salvation", which finally goes to how much "Hope" that we have. Guys and girls, the choices we make affect our salvation and our hope in our Lord, Jesus Christ... and just to let you know something... we only have ONE life. This isn't some "video game" where we can hit the "restart" button. We only have one shot to affect the lives of others... So how about everyone, including me, start living our Adventure that God has planned for us... because i can assure you, it's SO much better than the crap we go through on a daily basis.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


So here lately, these past few days have really made me think. Some people just aren't who you perceive them to be. I'm not saying this in a good way either. Over the past few weeks, months, and almost a year, i've noticed people in a completely different light. I'm not going to say any names but a few of my friends have become cocky, arrogant, and have just made me want to stop hanging out with them all together. I know you're probably like "Hunter it can't be that bad".... IT IS. It has gotten to the point where i just don't want to be around them. Don't get me wrong i still love them.... BUT DON'T contradict everything i say and be a cocky jerk about it and then try to be all "buddy buddy" with me after you do.... just don't. It makes me feel like i'm being used and it makes you look even worse. And then when someone tries to point out a flaw that they see in you to MAKE YOU BETTER so it won't affect your witness to other people, DON'T try to rationalize it and twist it like you know what your saying.... just because you may not like a little big of constructive criticism... BIG DEAL get over yourself. Oh, on a side note, you may not think it's a big deal the way you're acting, but it AFFECTS younger people that you come in contact with.... just throwing that out there. So the next time you try to be arrogant, cocky, or just an all-around jerk to me and/or contradict what i say... take a step back and check yourself... because what we do now, echos throughout eternity.